Thursday, April 17, 2008


Yes it's called left field.You know those things that catch you off guard,during your daily comings
and goings.Whatever,I think they break up the everyday monotony,you know the routine.They keep life extra juicy,like a slapped together buritto from chipotle(no red sauce please) So what
now?Well i'll tell you visitor:During the lifespan of this blog I will be pointing out weirdness
I happened to see on the internet and around town.There will be links,pics,video's;just about everything.My job is to have you leaving here like WTF just happened?And why is my sanity doing
the macarena in the corner over there?Feel free to comment on anything you see here.Just don't yell at me(sniffle) because I'm just the messenger.

Ok let's start with this link:It's a Damon Wayons creation.Some new thing he's started.
Anyways go to this link here:

Saw it?Yeah I know.Off the chain.It's funny but like on a psychotic level ha ha.

Ok here's another folks:

I nearly shat on myself laughing first time I saw that.Apparantly there is a whole slap me
plz underground brewing.People are making there own versions.

Ok I'm hungry.I'll be back shortly will more cataloged weirdness,trust me.You will never
get bored on this blog.BRB

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